Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty signed between Germany and her allies at the of end WWI . Because of the treaty German lost a lot . All of their overseas lands were taken away and shared within the allies . Germany's economy also suffered because most of it's produce and profits were given to the allies to pay for the damage of the war .

I think historians said the treaty led to the rise of Hitler because Germany was at a point where it needed a leader to bring them back on track . Hitler blamed German's problems on one group of people , the Jews . Soon Hitler and his party took control of Germany . Hitler became a dictator . Anyone that didn't abide by his laws were killed by thye Nazis .

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Ataturk wanted to modernized Turkey by making it more secular . Secular means being not that religious . Ataturk wanted to change the way the Turks dressed . He wanted to get rid of the fez (Turkish hat) and enforced hats with a brim . He also gave them a whole new dress code of boots or shoes , trousers , shirt and tie , and jackets and waistcoats . Secularism wasn't against Islam , it was against the Islam that didn't want to become modernized .

Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Lesson : "Gandhi"

Gandhi helped the nation of India gain it's independence from Great Britian by enforcing his philosophy of non violence to the people of India. Gandhi encouraged the Indian people to stop buying British goods and start buying Indian goods. He also organized to have all British made cloth burned. He encouraged the people to make their own cloth at home. Gandhi taught passive resistance to the people. He believed that violence against the British provoked negative reaction.

Over the years, Gandhi fought for India's independence, he was imprisoned many times. While in prison he would fast for the people of India. He also fasted because the Indians refused follow his philosophy of non violence. The British had put a sales tax on salt, so Gandhi told the people not to buy their salt. Instead Gandhi led the Indians to the sea to make their own salt.

Gandhi led many other marches and protests until India got it's independence in 1947. Gandhi was assissinated a year later.