Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation of Israel

Zionism is a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of Israel . After the creation of Israel many conflicts began between the new country and its neighboring countries . Israel was surrounded by Arab countries such Jordan , Syria , and Lebanon . In 1948 the independent country was attacked by several countries which included Jordan , Syria , Lebanon , Iraq and Egypt . This war lasted almost a year before decisions were made to solve the problem . These decisions ended with the creation of an agreement known as the Rhodes Armistice . An Armistice is a compromise , but even with this is effect the countries still had their differences . The differences among the countries , mainly between Israel and Palestine was , the Arabs that made up Palestine felt that they should have been given the Jews were given . The Palestinians believe that their God gave them that land , but the Jews had the same belief . These beliefs are one of the main causes of conflict between these countries .

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid was racial segregation policy in South Africa`s government . When this system was in affect blacks (bantus) , colored , mixed and Indians didn`t have the same rights as the whites did . When apartheid became a major issue , several organizations were formed to stop it . These organizations included the African National Congress (ANC) and United Democratic Front (UDF) . One of the major members of the ANC was Nelson Mandela . Mandela was put in jail because of his actions against apartheid . Nelson Mandela had helped organize strikes against apartheid but was later sentenced to a life in prison . While in prison Mandela continued to help stop apartheid .

Mandela spent 26 years in prison , when he was released he continued his work . Mandela was able to weaken apartheid in 5 years because of his continuious strikes and riots . He was elected president of South Africa and was able to end apartheid . People in South Africa saw Mandela as a hero because now he ended apartheid and people could be treated as equals . Now the blacks could have just as much power as the whites .

Friday, April 27, 2007

African Independence

Over a 20 year period , Africa has changed tremdously . In 1957 , the Gold Coast received it`s independence and became known as Ghana . It was the first nation to be governed by black Africans to join the British commonwealth. Ghana`s first prime minister and also president for life , Kwane Nkrumah , began development and economic projects , but the costly ruined the country . He also helped to develop the Pan African Congress in England . He later hosted the first Pan African meeting in Africa , which led to the formation of the Organization of African Unity. In 1966 , the military took control while Nkrumah was in China . Soon
Jerry Rawlings took power in 1979 & 1981 . In the year 2000 , the first open elections were held .

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The European Union

The Eurpean Union is an alliance of 25 countries that has changed Europe. It now became a superpower, that was competing with the U.S. The 25 European nations that make up the European Union now share the same currency, the Euro. Traveling throughout Europe became much easier because before some people couldn't get into certain countries if they didn't have a passport. Also people are free to work in an countries because of the European Union.

I think the European Union is a good thing because the European people have more freedom within the countries. They don't have to worry about being arrested for being a certain country. The European Union made all the countries one, so the people had more access to different things also. Now because of the European Union many wars will be prevented. The countries all now work as a team so conflicts can be dealt with without violence.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Film Lesson - "The Right Stuff"

In the film The Right Stuff, the United States and the Soviet Union are competing to see who can send the first man into space. They both had to build rocketships but the U.S. saw problems along the way. The Soviet Union was the first to send a human into space. The U.S. on the other hand wanted to send a monkey into space. Those scenes will help me remember events from the Cold War because it was a race/war between the United States and the Soviet Union. They weren't really fighting though . It was more a race than it was a war.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis took place during the Cold War . It was closest the we ever came to a nuclear war. The U.S. and the Soviet Union were the main contenders, but the countries in NATO and the Warsaw Pact were also involved.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was an arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union , to see who could create the strongest nuclear weapon . In 1962, the Soviet Union fell back because their weapon was only powerful enough to take out Europe . The U.S. on the other hand would take out the entire Soviet Union.
In April 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev came up with the idea of placing intermediate-range missiles in Cuba.

In October 1962 , the U.S. discovered pictures of the Soviets missile construction in Cuba.
The next day, President Kennedy was informed of the missile installations. Kennedy began organizing the EX-COMM, a group of twelve important advisors to handle the crisis. Things began to calm down on October 28 when Khrushchev announced that he would dismantle the installations and take the missiles back to the Soviet Union.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

NATO is the North Atlantice Treaty Organization which included countries in Europe and North America. It was formed because the countries wanted a defense alliance so if one was under attack the other countris were there to help. Also many European countries need economic help after WWII, so the countries in NATO agreed to help rebuild it. When the Korean war began the organization expanded and a military command system was formed. In 1979, NATO began a new program that would help build up defense and new efforts to stop the Soviet Union from developing nuclear weapons.

The Warsaw Pact was mainly made up from the Soviet Union and its satelitte countries. This too is a defense alliance, but a response to NATO. The Soviet Union was the head of the Warsaw Pact. It kept socialist governments in the countries that were involved. This was an attempt to strengthen the Soviet Union. In 1985, the Warsaw Pact was renewed for another 20 years, but grew weak. All the countris soon removed themselves from the Warsaw Pact.

Friday, March 16, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

I agree with the article about putting the atomic bombing of Japan at the top of their list. The bombing was a turnpoint in history. The bomb brought the war to an end. Although many innocent people died because of the bomb some lives were saved.Some people survived but were greatly affected by the bomb. The radiations from the bomb caused babies to be born with deformities and some people developed sicknesses.

A bigger story would be Sept, 11th when the World Trade Center was destroyed. The entire country was affect by that. Thousands of people died and also developed diseases just like what happened after the bombing.

After reading the article, I would switch #2 and #3 because the attack on Pearl Harbor was alot more important that the first man on moon to me. Also I think AIDS should be moved up to #2 because this disease is something major and still exist. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech should also be moved up instead of being #50 because the Civil Rights march brought freedom to many African Americans in America today.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Germany at War - WW II

A propaganda is a ideas or rumors spread to hurt or help a certain person or group . In the poster is shows that Germany has destoryed Great Britian . A graveyard is used to display that . Also there's a picture of Germany's "fist" towards the east, pointing his attention to Stalin and the Soviet Union.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty signed between Germany and her allies at the of end WWI . Because of the treaty German lost a lot . All of their overseas lands were taken away and shared within the allies . Germany's economy also suffered because most of it's produce and profits were given to the allies to pay for the damage of the war .

I think historians said the treaty led to the rise of Hitler because Germany was at a point where it needed a leader to bring them back on track . Hitler blamed German's problems on one group of people , the Jews . Soon Hitler and his party took control of Germany . Hitler became a dictator . Anyone that didn't abide by his laws were killed by thye Nazis .

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Ataturk wanted to modernized Turkey by making it more secular . Secular means being not that religious . Ataturk wanted to change the way the Turks dressed . He wanted to get rid of the fez (Turkish hat) and enforced hats with a brim . He also gave them a whole new dress code of boots or shoes , trousers , shirt and tie , and jackets and waistcoats . Secularism wasn't against Islam , it was against the Islam that didn't want to become modernized .

Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Lesson : "Gandhi"

Gandhi helped the nation of India gain it's independence from Great Britian by enforcing his philosophy of non violence to the people of India. Gandhi encouraged the Indian people to stop buying British goods and start buying Indian goods. He also organized to have all British made cloth burned. He encouraged the people to make their own cloth at home. Gandhi taught passive resistance to the people. He believed that violence against the British provoked negative reaction.

Over the years, Gandhi fought for India's independence, he was imprisoned many times. While in prison he would fast for the people of India. He also fasted because the Indians refused follow his philosophy of non violence. The British had put a sales tax on salt, so Gandhi told the people not to buy their salt. Instead Gandhi led the Indians to the sea to make their own salt.

Gandhi led many other marches and protests until India got it's independence in 1947. Gandhi was assissinated a year later.