Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation of Israel

Zionism is a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of Israel . After the creation of Israel many conflicts began between the new country and its neighboring countries . Israel was surrounded by Arab countries such Jordan , Syria , and Lebanon . In 1948 the independent country was attacked by several countries which included Jordan , Syria , Lebanon , Iraq and Egypt . This war lasted almost a year before decisions were made to solve the problem . These decisions ended with the creation of an agreement known as the Rhodes Armistice . An Armistice is a compromise , but even with this is effect the countries still had their differences . The differences among the countries , mainly between Israel and Palestine was , the Arabs that made up Palestine felt that they should have been given the Jews were given . The Palestinians believe that their God gave them that land , but the Jews had the same belief . These beliefs are one of the main causes of conflict between these countries .

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